The current debate over the 'Always Online' neccesity of the Xbox720 is pretty justified, emphasised by the fact that Adam Orth has since been let go from Microsoft for his recent twitter rant.
Always online shouldn't really be a problem, and as much as people are panicking now, it probably wont be a problem for most people - Instability is the problem, both in a sense of some people have unstable connections, and that if the master servers become unstablized for whatever reason, millions of gamers will be unable to play.If there were a mobile phone which wouldnt let you get past your lockscreen without having any signal would anyone still buy it? Probably not - why? - because that sounds fucked up, and yet its exactly what Microsoft are going to introduce if Adam Orth is correct in his ranting.
No internet? The game will shut itself down.
What if I have a bad ISP? What if my wifi connection is spotty?
Basically, what im saying is...
The problem also occurs when Durango becomes a legacy console. What benefit does Microsoft get from keeping their DRM servers for it up once the successor to that is out, or even well beyond that. You can still play on an NES, you can still play on a PS2, your digital content has been brought into question in recent times (Steam/XBLA/PSN), which is a fair enough question, but this goes beyond just digital content and has an effect on the BASIC infrastructure of this system.