Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Best Before Date:

<<<< Warning: Depressing IRL Post >>>>

My life is going to shit and im beginning to lose all hope of it ever picking up.
A Depressing summary of my current life situation:

- I work 2 seemingly dead end jobs, as an accounts assistant and as a waiter. Shit pay at both
- Live at home, not enough money to move out
- No girlfriend, no hope of getting one because the girls I work with arent my type and I rarely go out
- Rarely go out because my primary friend group are all fucking useless at keeping in contact or doing anything, even playing or chatting online is too much effort for them
- Uni friend group are spread too far and too thin to do anything
- Restaurant friend group are too different (raised on drugs and alcohol rather than books and vidya)
- Can't find a 'good' job, so many applications declined i've lost the motivation to continue trying
- Distract myself from how shit life is by playing video games and learning to play the piano, though recently even my online friends seem to be disappearing
- Way worse at Japanese than everyone believes
- Write a blog that nobody ever reads

Lets put it this way, if the mayans are right, fuck yeah.

I need to get my life back on track, I just don't know quite how ._.

I feel like my time is rapidly running out, nothing seems more pathetic than a 23 year old Biomedical Science graduate (from a National top 5 University) who is working as a fucking Waiter.
If anyone fancies chucking a £20k job and a wife my way, that would be awesome.

ps. Its sort of crazy to think how much this JET programme would change my life around if I got a place, fingers crossed.

1 comment:

  1. I read your blog!
    and we're not going anywhere - http://novonordisk.com/careers/job_section/current_jobs.asp?jobid=11217BR&lCountry=
    find a job in Denmark, we'll take you out and find you a woman!
    Either way, we're planning to go hitchiking to London this summer, and if not before, we'll take you out then!
