I tried to abandon it, I really did. 'Nobody even reads it' I told myself, and nobody probably does, but I guess after having a blog for 3 years or so I feel compelled to blog certain shit, ive realised its my release for whats going on in my life, for the events too big for twitters pathetic character limit, or facebooks social problems (in that people will judge the shit out of me if for whatever reason I feel like posting something sketchy)
And so, here is the past month or so, covering the christmas holiday.
So from the last blog post?.... not much has changed really, I went home for christmas on the 22nd where I was welcomed by a newly doubled glazed house which was far warmer than the shitpiece of an accomadation I had gotten used to.
The christmas holiday was essentially just me passing 2 weeks by playing on the 360 and browsing the internet (since I didnt take my PC back with me).
Played lots of SSFIV with my brother , BlackOps , DJhero2 and bought Super meat boy
Christmas day brought fewer presents than usual, got 2 really thin 'trendy' shirts from my fashionable aunt, a pretty nice bodywarmer, a waterbottle, a microwave plushie thing (i think you microwave it to heat it up then stuff it in your pants or something), and a good amount of money... Oh.. and a new phone - Sony Ericson Saito, was a little bit disappointed it wasnt a droid of some sort, but then i wouldnt get a contract anyway because I dont use it enough, so I guess it wouldnt really matter too much, all i use my phone for is texting, calling and taking pictures for this here blog - and the saito has a 12 megapixel camera resulting in some HDass 2mb 16:9 pictures, the flash on the camera is also like a proper camera too which is fucking nice.
Christmas day was the usual for us, visiting the grandparents for a meal, presents and then getting robbed by the grandparents over some 'casual gambling' - We play 'Dai Di' usually, although MahJong has been played in the past once or twice (out of 21 years)
^ This here picture was taken before my great aunt ROBBED the entire fucking table, green chips are equal to £1 , by the end of the night she (top right of pic) had like 4 stacks of green chips and we had to bring in a blue chip to equal £10 - she had 2 of those. You know you're getting fucked up in a gambling situation when you need to invent a new, higher tier of chip for one player.
In Dai Di, you get 13 cards to start with and you pay all other players according to how many cards you have at the end of the round, eg, you have 1 card left when someone finishes then you pay 10p, IF however you have over 7 cards, you have to pay DOUBLE, and IF you somehow manage to not lay down a single card you get ultrafucked and it goes TRIPLE, remember you have to pay ALL players that have less cards than you, which means you could be paying out like £5 in one round if you're unlucky with your hand (pretty high when an average win will net you £1 or so)
Uncle there had a XboxKinect, so i got to play with that a little, details in another blog post.
Boxing day was also the usual, going to my dads side of the family's house, to meet cousins and some other extended family, additional guests this year (who was also present last year) is some cambridge student we've nicknamed 'big eyed girl' for obvious reasons, she and her family are Japanese.
Boxing day then, was basically spent sitting around eavesdropping on their family conversations trying to understand shit whilst watching crappy TV (deal or no deal anyone?), we also watched Avatar - which was a good way to burn some time i guess.
New years Eve was pretty boring, just stayed at home and watched the fireworks on TV before playing some games with the brother.
New years day we went to aunts, had nandos for lunch and then played 'Cranium' , which is like a crossup between trivial pursuit, charades and Pictionary - Some of the challenges are pretty cool/hard, for instance stuff like Puppetry were you have to control a teammates limbs and the rest of your team has to guess what word you're trying to tell them, or sensodraw which is pictionary but without looking, Oh the game also comes with a lump of playdough to mould for certain challenges. Sadly I forgot to give my mum my camera to record stuff otherwise I would have uploaded the video of me doing some charades, maybe next time eh.
And then it was back to the unihouse on the 4th or so, and back to PC, shopping and cooking for myself, and lots of HD anime and league of legends.
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