Gemma for spending time with me and helping me realise there are far better girls in the world
Dil for asking if i was serious (which is funny when i look back at it ) and general being a friend
Kraws for helping me realise that bad shit only happens to good guys, and for helping to cheer me up
Various other people for asking if i was okay and stuff.
In a completely unrelated note , we watched 'Commando' by arnie the other day which was amazing and i think we're watching Cool Runnings (!) tonight :D
And now some unrelated pictures.
^The latest facebook craze , the 'Like' attack (if im missing anyone on facebook btw , im /mengplex)
^ The amazing LIQUID NITROGEN TRUCK! Its like an ice cream truck but way COOLER! (c wut i did thur)
You cant see too well, but all the pipes and shit were completely iced over and that fog was flowing everywhere ,it was so awesome.
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