I learned how to do the fancy looking knot thing that keeps you from dying , i also learned how to handle the rope for the other person , i forgot what it was called though and i call can think of right now is 'bayonetting' . which probably isnt right.
Found out i missed the opportunity to go to a clubland live gig featuring scooter , ultrabeat and darren styles. which was rather sad since scooter and styles are fucking amazing.
In other news , patrick left his window open when he went home for reading week. Resulting in everything from his room being moved to the drying cupboard buy some guys , including his posters , books etc etc.
message was left in his room from the cleaning fairy "i used a spell to help me clean all of your stuff , i have however , forgotten the spell to bring it all back. <3 from gary"
When he got back he was not impressed , he demanded they put all of his stuff back... which they did.
2nd message read "i remembered the spell to bring all your stuff back.. however.... <3 gary"
We couldnt get the cupboard upside down which was a shame.
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