For example , my xfire says that ive played 14 hours this week. Those 14 hours could have been spent studying , or going out , or doing laundry (i really fucking need to do laundry , i have like 2 boxers left and one pair of socks.) , or general hanging out and trying to be social.
I do love playing it - battlegrounds and dungeons can be pretty fun , along with making obscene amounts of money and then laughing at poor people - however i think until maybe my xmas/easter/summer holiday im going to try and restrain myself and not buy another 2 months. Not to mention if i kept playing id need to buy Burning crusade pretty soon since i was at level 53 and getting to the higher levels of my trade skills...
(and then of course if i do start playing again id probably then need to buy lich king >_> )
So anyway. Farewell for now Detatchedjaw , we knew ye well.
hmm.. speaking of MMO's... Ragnarok online opened a free to play international server...
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