My first impressions of the game (not that ive really played it) , is that its big.
Everything about this game is huge.
First - the additional costs , not going to say exactly how much it all came to , but it certainly was NOT the $50 (£25) advertised on the site , after whacking on shipping charges , import tax , miscellaneous fees.... >_>"
Then there's the box that the game comes in , i was expecting to get a simple DVD case. Instead i got a double sized DVD case along with some nifty cardboard cover thing that opens up and is embossed and all this shit. Cool stuff.
And then there's the install. - oh ma ghuuuud.
I think it took somewhere in the region of 75 to 90 minutes to install.
and THEN there's the patching. I think you patch somewhere in the region of 800mb in total (the one shown below wasnt the only patch that needed to be downloaded) - I think the patching in total came to about 8 hours , despite the ETA shown.
However , its all good to go , im all patched up and ready to rumble , and as soon as my Friday exams finish ima pone up some o dat Aye Oh See.
I hope you guys (Leetfella , Anony , potentially Nguman and Hawk too) are gonna get in on this shit cuz its gonna be XtR3m3
oh also , i borrowed Boyce's account to see if it runs properly - i was kinda doubting whether my new card would be able to run it properly.
It looks pretty hot. - i was kinda expecting more though , everyone was talking about how pretty AoC looks.. Maybe its just the area i was in.
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