Sunday, 9 March 2008

Asian Party

Okay well not so much a party of such...i think.

One of the full timers at work was leaving and thus was throwing somewhat of a party. This party was to take place in the form of a hotpot/steamboat (details on wtf this is later) after work. I said id go along - there was food to be eaten after all.

11:30pm - Work finishes and we all sit down and chill out (everything so far is normal)

11:35pm - One of the girls pulls out a video camera and everything goes to shit , music starts playing and karaoke singing/dancing time begins. Everyone seems to know the lyrics and 'moves' aside from me. Its pretty entertaining just watching them.

11:45pm - Some white girl walks in to the shop , apparently she's a friend of the guy who is leaving. She doesent understand chinese and has no knowledge of the culture apparently. Finally~ someone in a more awkward position than me.

11:50pm - YMCA.

12am - We leave the shop and head over to the guys place.

12:05am - So apparently everyone who works in that shop lives in this one building , the first floor is full of chefs , and the third floor is full of waiting staff

12:06am - We reach his place - i say his place , this is untrue because of about 12 people live there. (or somewhere around that number)
We walk through and go into the room with the hotpot - jesus fuck there is  8 people here! ~ My toilet is bigger than this room!
The room has 2 bunk beds , a small sofa and some sort of small cabinet which people had decided to sit on, All surrounding a tiny table with the hotpot in the middle.
--For the uneducated i shall now explain what exactly a hotpot is ~ Imagine cooking your food in a boiling pot of water. Now imagine cooking your food , and then as soon as its finished cooking you take it out and eat it. Now replace the water with liquid fire (supersuperspicyshit) .--
Remember to replace you cooking... with around 10 people and replace the kitchen with a very small bedroom.

12:20am - jesus christ this is spicy


12:45am - Beer is discovered

1am - red facing begins , although this time everyone is doin it.

1:45am - everyone is done , mass laptops come out

2am - I take my leave


Asian Parties are certainly different.

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