Monday, 31 March 2008


If the guys at Konami are reading this (doubtful , but you never know. apparently i have more blog readers than i realise) please take note:


Here is a list of all of the PARANOiA remixes so far (taken from Naokipedia):

  • PARANOiA (180)

  • PARANOiA Eternal (STM 200, winner of the DDR 5th Mix Musicmanship Trial contest)

  • PARANOiA Evolution (200)

  • PARANOiA KCET (clean mix) (2MB)

  • PARANOiA Max (dirty mix) (190)

  • PARANOiA Max (dirty mix) (Club version another) (190)

  • PARANOiA Rebirth (190')

  • PARANOiA -Respect- (.3k)

  • PARANOiA Survivor (270)

  • PARANOiA Survivor Max (290)

  • PARANOiA -Hades- (alphaType-300)

Not sure if im the only one who realises this , but the song sucked ass to begin with! Stop remixing a shitty song!
Id say the same about trip machine but at least that song doesn't sound completely horrible.

Saturday, 29 March 2008

The joys of neglected blogs

I havent had much time to updatezor the old blogzor recently , as ive been busy with lifezor and suchzor.

You wait ages for a blog post and then two come along at once , lucky you guys.

On the Thursday was the mad rush to complete the coursework before the deadline , Friday was a chill day primarily spent doing nothing - aka. futile attempts at trying to get games of quake wars going.
I Installed 'Jade Empire' Out of boredom , which seems to be a pretty cool game. It's a really well done port , supports joypad and my resolution and shit , and i can actually run everything on max without it having more jutters than Gareth Gates.

This morning (saturday) was another chill day, spent catching up on a little Bleach and Hayate with my brother , before playing some Warriors Orochi (Sun Ce @ level 32 w00t) and a little Maplestory (Level 20 w00t) [Im ashamed really.]

And then some Desktop Defense trying to beat my friends high score.

Friday, 28 March 2008

Dreams Dreams (Do not read whilst eating)

So i cant remember the specifics of this dream as it happened on Thursday Night (and im typing this up on Saturday Night)

Im on a date with a certain someone , i think we were in some sort of restaurant.
I need to take a shit , REALLY badly.

I go to the toilets , only problem is , there are no actual toilets. What they have here instead are urinals with doors - so basically a normal toilet stall but with the toilet replaced with a fucking urinal. God i hate my dream world.

So anyway , i drop my trousers and my ass CHARGES ITS BROWN LASER , and by that i mean my asshole expands to the size of the fuckin' obligator from Quake Wars  (click for amazing obligator picture) and disgusting brown/yellow shit starts to fill the urinal. I semi-stand-sit there for a good 3 minutes , this is one epicly huge shit.
I can feel it touching my asscheeks , the poo at this point has filled up the urinal and is starting to mould itself around my ass and up my thighs - this is probably the most disgusting thing ive ever experienced in my life , particularly as the poo is in one steaming lump and has the texture of mashed sweet potatoes (For those who have not had mashed sweet potatoes before - think normal mashed potatoes but slightly lumpier... and with strands.). At last , i stop shitting. I reach for the toilet paper. . . . . . . .
. . .
. . .
Theres no toilet paper.

Now , how i resolve this problem ive actually forgotten. i believe i found something and used it to wipe my ass.
I do however remember standing up and seeing a urinal filled to the brim with shit and having the shape of my ass moulded into it.
I put back on my trousers , which is a horrible feeling considering i was pretty sure i didnt manage to wipe all the shit off my thighs.
And then , as i walk out of the toilet , i wake up.

I bolt upright in bed and look under my covers...
My boxers and shorts are wedged up my ass , which is pretty disgusting , but at the same time i'm just glad i didn't shit myself in my sleep.

Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Coursework Easter Eggs.

I refuse to take any of this out unless my teacher explicitly says to do so.

edit : forgot about this one too.

Day before the deadline

Remember ?

Well the deadline is tomorrow (27th March , thursday)

how far am i to finishing?

(Thats an energy drink and pack of wine gums if you cant see)

On an unrelated note , here is what i had during my lunchbreak at work on sunday.

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Crackin' DJ
^Watch this video first for amazing
^then watch this one for a better idea of what the game is like

Amazing game which ive never heard of. Looks hella fun though - or at least the 30 year old business man makes it look hella fun.

Monday, 24 March 2008


Download ver 0.6 here -
Download Songs here -

The program is surprisingly well made and its pretty fun to play , there are the singstar PS2 packs floating around to be used with it.

Sunday, 23 March 2008


Rave -

Random - Picture of my old RO layout

First line Q to O
then A to L , Z to . etc
Fighting is as follows...
G , H , F , A , S , X , C , R

Saturday, 22 March 2008

Journey into Talisman Online

What the fuck? this game stole the WoW layout pixel for pixel i hear you scream
you're fuckin right too.

Shame it doesent play anywhere near as good as WoW does though.

Journey Into Talisman Online - An epic tale told by your Meng (youtube video)

Friday, 21 March 2008

Conflict Denied Ops , Denied because its shit.

Not only did they somehow manage to make this game run horribly , it also looks horrible , plays horrible and sounds horrible.

The voice acting is weak at best , the gunplay is boring , the enemies have the intelligence of damilkman and in general it declines into a really horrible horrible generic first person shooter.

The gimmick in this game is not time slowing or super powers like alot of other FPS games , but its that you have a friend with you and you can switch into him to play - effectively you play as two people at the same time. The way this is done is so poor and clunky that you'll likely never want to bother using it which ends up with your sniper guy running directly at people whilst your heavy machine gun tank guy sprays bullets across the level in a futile attempt to kill enemies. Hell - even clive barkers jericho did this shit better.
Did i mention the bloom is ridiculous and unbearable? as this video will show. (3mb)
I award this game with the diamondandy award , and by that i mean its fucking horrible and you should never have to be exposed to this. Stay well away.

Thursday, 20 March 2008

Hinoi Team 4eva

Night Of Fire

Play With the Numbers 


Why 3 Hinoi Team mp3's? I dunno , but i have nothing else to blog about im afraid.
320kbps too, yay.

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

The joy of facebook photo albums

Not even gonna bother typing anything other than this line , i cant compete with the entertainment value of that screenshot.

Tuesday, 18 March 2008


Random Picture of a hot girl.

Quake Wars Enemy terriroty for PC on Amazon.



Random picture of my current rank in ETQW (Staff Seargent)

(for your copy pasting pleasure.)

Random Picture of a hot guy.

(random picture of my current desktop)

Random picture of a 'house' i made in Gmod.

Monday, 17 March 2008

Counter Strike - the Pubmasters

After bringing up the topic the other day in vent i was surprised to hear that apparently none of you have seen the pubmasters movies.
Both definately worth a watch if you've ever played CS.

Pubmasters the Movie  (google video stream) (downloads through xfire)

 Pubmasters the Movie 2 (google Video stream) (downloads through xfire)

Im redownloading both of them now because i havent seen them in so long.
these videos pretty much got me into CS back in the day.

Saturday, 15 March 2008

Huge Graphics Cards are HUEG

So i was updating myself on the latest news of the graphics card market and such.
Turns out that the 9800GTX and 9800GX2 will be releasing in the next 2 weeks.

A look on wiki showed the following for the GTX (screw the GX2 , its going to cost around £440 apparently)

$350 isnt TOO bad for a brand new card of a new generation , what concerned me however is the 267mm long part.

If its anywhere as long as the 9800GTX which apparently looks like this -

Then im royally fucked.

So i popped my case open and got out my tape measure to see if i could squeeze such an obtrusively long card into my PC.

My current 7600GT comes in at 170mm...
Oh dear.

The first line as you may have guessed is my graphics card , the second line is how long it needs to be, this doesent look like much in the above picture. but its pretty damned huge.
I shooped up this image to give a better idea...

Thats only approximate and it is probably very slightly less than that , alternatively , thats 100% correct and its just that fucking stupidly long.

ps. lol heatsink. Sean would be proud.
pps. wow , either my fans are running pretty slow or this digi cam is really beast , they don't even look like they're turned on.

Friday, 14 March 2008

Video Links

Slightly entertaining ETQW video. Only made entertaining by anonymous saying he has a giant penis obligator and to hear boyce's reaction when i get tanked.

Theres also the CS 1.6 video of us shield whoring for anyone who hasnt seen it yet. -

Im working on putting together a ETQW video , then ill throw some music over the top and record in 720p and upload to vimeo :D

There is also a new video out by 06230713 , 【バケ美】Yes! プリキュア5G...

Poke in there bro!

Thursday, 13 March 2008

Phoenix Wright goes to PC's in japan

(taken from another site)

Daletto is helping Capcom port the three Game Boy Advance Gyakuten Saiban (Ace Attorney) games into downloadable PC games. Instead of selling each complete game PC Saiban will be broken into episodes. The first piece from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney goes live on March 18 and it’s free to download. Future episodes cost 120 yen each, which is not the price per turnabout. The four chapters dealing with Wright, Edgeworth and the DL-6 incident are split into 17 parts. Since you only have to pay for 16 the total cost for the PC version is 1,920 yen ($18.75).


Personally , i think this sounds awesome. If any game would work well fine on a console or pc it would be this. It would be great to be able to look at the game in a nice big size.
Shame there is no word at the moment on localization for anywhere other than Japan. I do presume it wouldnt be too hard to localize it for everywhere else considering its already been trasnlated into english the for PW games for DS.

We'll wait and see i guess , but ill probably get it anyway even if it isnt in english purely to see Maya and Franziska in HD - assuming the game is in HD that is.

Adrian Andrews was pretty hot too.
and pearls. 

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

3 Pictures

Firstly something i found in my hotmail account.
i do love the fact that after you open the email and attachment theres no complaining from your end because you pretty much ran into it.

Secondly , a picture of my copy of MUGEN. If anyone can identify 20 characters they get mad reppin' in a future blog post , possibly with mad photoshops of them throwing grizzly bears at lions or something manly like that.


Monday, 10 March 2008

Only in kenya?

So upon meeting the most amazing girl ill ever get to meet in my life in biology class i was inspired to go check out Magical Trevor which i havent seen in what feels like forever.

To my surprise on the weebl and bob page not much had changed.
Aside from the fact that when i click 'toons' or whatever it was , the 'mixed toons' section now spans 9 pages.

After a bit of searching i found another old gem which i used to love.
The shocking thing is this however...


I feel so damned old right now. I remember when this shit was new.

ps. totally rocking the whole daily post shit recently. This post'll probably jinx it though.

pps. Yesterdays post was actually my 100th post on this blog. Time sure flies huh?

ppps. If you havent already done so , everyone should check the forums for an amazing new thread , exception is boyce who doesn't need t.

Sunday, 9 March 2008

Asian Party

Okay well not so much a party of such...i think.

One of the full timers at work was leaving and thus was throwing somewhat of a party. This party was to take place in the form of a hotpot/steamboat (details on wtf this is later) after work. I said id go along - there was food to be eaten after all.

11:30pm - Work finishes and we all sit down and chill out (everything so far is normal)

11:35pm - One of the girls pulls out a video camera and everything goes to shit , music starts playing and karaoke singing/dancing time begins. Everyone seems to know the lyrics and 'moves' aside from me. Its pretty entertaining just watching them.

11:45pm - Some white girl walks in to the shop , apparently she's a friend of the guy who is leaving. She doesent understand chinese and has no knowledge of the culture apparently. Finally~ someone in a more awkward position than me.

11:50pm - YMCA.

12am - We leave the shop and head over to the guys place.

12:05am - So apparently everyone who works in that shop lives in this one building , the first floor is full of chefs , and the third floor is full of waiting staff

12:06am - We reach his place - i say his place , this is untrue because of about 12 people live there. (or somewhere around that number)
We walk through and go into the room with the hotpot - jesus fuck there is  8 people here! ~ My toilet is bigger than this room!
The room has 2 bunk beds , a small sofa and some sort of small cabinet which people had decided to sit on, All surrounding a tiny table with the hotpot in the middle.
--For the uneducated i shall now explain what exactly a hotpot is ~ Imagine cooking your food in a boiling pot of water. Now imagine cooking your food , and then as soon as its finished cooking you take it out and eat it. Now replace the water with liquid fire (supersuperspicyshit) .--
Remember to replace you cooking... with around 10 people and replace the kitchen with a very small bedroom.

12:20am - jesus christ this is spicy


12:45am - Beer is discovered

1am - red facing begins , although this time everyone is doin it.

1:45am - everyone is done , mass laptops come out

2am - I take my leave


Asian Parties are certainly different.

Saturday, 8 March 2008

Healthy Diet

Chocolate Peanuts!

La La La!
I love things coated in chocolate ^_^

Good thing the levels of fat and stuff arent too high!
I can eat a whole pack of these and not need to worry about it! ^_^

oh my ;_;

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

The Steyr bullpup

Also known as CT side scoped weapon or 'That weird shaped gun with the scope'

After having a conversation with some people about guns in another channel i found myself at wiki browsing various firearms.
When i came across this...
[Click for fullsize readable]

Now theres something very entertaining in my mind , imagining some left handed soldier on the battlefield..
he picks up a bullpup...

hilarity ensues.


Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Boycott Youtube.

So after uploading another touhou video it occured to me just how horribly bad youtube is.

320x240 resolution quality AND it suplexes the quality somehow in its conversion phase.

After Stage6 went down due to funding and whatever it would appear a new site has risen to take its place.
Boyce introduced me to Vimeo earlier
What it would appear to be is a crossbreed between youtube and flickr , taking the good parts of both and combining it into an awesome HD video displaying monster website.

It supports - Up to 720p video (1280x720) , decent tagging system, more thumbnail choices than youtube , the ability to download videos from the site in actual file types (AVI and such.) and of course everything else that youtube does such as commenting , rating etc.

here is a demonstration of the difference in quality between Youtube and Vimeo.

Notice how you can actually read the fucking text in the Vimeo version.

I propose that we boycott youtube and use Vimeo from now on. When youtube realises that nobody is using their POS service any more they may take their thumbs out of their asses and allow people to submit videos which arent borderline unviewable.
Of course we wont care because we'll all be watching stuff in 720p on Vimeo.

Monday, 3 March 2008

Touhou Again

Got bored so....

Meng Failing At Touhou - Lunatic

Pata Pata Pata Pon!

After going through the laborious and scary process of updating my PSP yesterday night (from 3.40 OE to 3.90 M33-2) i finally managed to play Patapon.

This charming game is in the same art style as Loco-Roco which i also thoroughly enjoyed but has the twist of being a 'Rhythm Action' game.

The jist of the game is to beat out a tune in time using the face buttons of the PSP - Square gives a 'Pata' , Circle a 'Pon' and Triangle a 'Chaka'
You then use combinations of tunes to command your army - Imagine playing starcraft using a guitar hero controller and you're almost there i guess.
For example , Pata pata pata Pon - will move your army forwards
Pon Pon Pata Pon will command your army to attack.

You'll be using these pretty much throughout the game  - which may sound linear and/or boring. I'll tell you now. Its not.

The game throws in an RPG element where you can equip your army , synthesize new soldiers , select formations  , make weapons... That sort of thing.
Then throw in spells (miracles) - preformed by a combination of X presses [DON DODON DODON] and a rather challenging difficulty curve and you have yourself one hell of an addictive and visually stunning yet challenging game , the latter of which certainly seems to be a rarity in this day and age.
I got it last night and played it until 2am , then played it on the bus this morning , some before morning class , some during lunchtime , some on the bus home... etc.

This is a work of genius , and to top it off its portable (and small to fit on a Memory stick - 350mb ISO or 250mb CSO)
Deserves a Meng seal of Approval , but as i havent made this in photoshop yet - this'll have to do.

Saturday, 1 March 2008

Quack Wars

So from my birthday i got a few things , money , a T-shirt , 2 cheesecakes , a 300 poster (see yesterdays post)  and a copy of Guitar hero 3 for PS2.
The latter of which is somewhat useless to me because
1. My PS2 is on the fritz
2. I don't have a GH Controller
3. I alreay have GH3 on PC
Nevertheless , it can be returned and the money will be spent on...