Its even in goddamn pop'n music now...
^ This is fucking awesome
Saturday, 30 April 2011
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Exams update 3/6
Halfway there.
The 2 exams today were brutal, Im not really sure how I did tbh, the question format is you pick 2 essay questions out of 4
For both exams, 1 Essay went well, and the other went kinda of meh at best.... Which i mean... at least one of them went well?
IDH (infectious diseases and health module) did the dickbag move of putting a ridiculous question and making it a compulsory one, now the twist here is that we're not allowed to complain because... Its the exact same compulsory question from the year before! Of which we got to see as a practice, the problem arises in that the question didnt make sense then, and didnt make sense in the exam today.
Everyone (myself included) sort of thought 'I dont understand this question, but it'll be okay hopefully because surely they wont ask the same question 2 years in a row' , and then they fucking did.
next 2 exams are on tuesday so I at least get a tiny break to revise for them.
I really want to play some games and have some fun right now, but my head is completely fucked. Mentally completely exhausted and I have a headache, If i could sleep right now, i would.
The 2 exams today were brutal, Im not really sure how I did tbh, the question format is you pick 2 essay questions out of 4
For both exams, 1 Essay went well, and the other went kinda of meh at best.... Which i mean... at least one of them went well?
IDH (infectious diseases and health module) did the dickbag move of putting a ridiculous question and making it a compulsory one, now the twist here is that we're not allowed to complain because... Its the exact same compulsory question from the year before! Of which we got to see as a practice, the problem arises in that the question didnt make sense then, and didnt make sense in the exam today.
Everyone (myself included) sort of thought 'I dont understand this question, but it'll be okay hopefully because surely they wont ask the same question 2 years in a row' , and then they fucking did.
next 2 exams are on tuesday so I at least get a tiny break to revise for them.
I really want to play some games and have some fun right now, but my head is completely fucked. Mentally completely exhausted and I have a headache, If i could sleep right now, i would.
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
Exams update 1/6
First exam went pretty fucking badly, Its always the ones you're confident on that you get completely buttfucked by.
I have 2 exams tomorrow, not particularly confident about either of them. Fucksake.
Who puts 3 exams in 2 days anyway. Why couldnt you spread that shit out eh university?
This is how I feel right now.
I have 2 exams tomorrow, not particularly confident about either of them. Fucksake.
Who puts 3 exams in 2 days anyway. Why couldnt you spread that shit out eh university?
This is how I feel right now.
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Ok, I've seen a bunch of speculation of why people think PSN is down, and I thought I should just post what the community knows in comparison to what Sony is telling everyone. The truth is, there was a new CFW (custom firmware) released known as Rebug ( It essentially turns a retail console into a dev console (not fully, but gives you a lot of the same options that usually dev's only have access to). Anyway, this new CFW was quickly figured out by 3rd parties (not Rebug) to give CFW users access to the PSN network again via the dev networks. With a little manipulation of the URL's through a proxy server you could get your hacked console back online. Not that big of a deal, right? Well, it also turns out that some people over at NGU found out that you could provide fake CC# info and the authenticity of the information was never checked as you were on Sony's private developer PSN network (essentially a network that Sony trusted). What happened next was extreme piracy of PSN content. Sony realizing the issue here shut down the network. Now, before you go freaking out about the latest information posted about Kotaku, no ones personal information was accessible via this hack. Not to say they couldn't get it, but no one is admitting to it being available. Anyway, that's the real reason for the PSN downtime. Sony is now rebuilding all of it's PSN servers to be more secure and (hopefully) make sure the CFW users cannot get online anymore.
Edit #1: To those of you saying that this is speculation, you are correct. But, it is speculation based on a lot of facts and the outcome seems to make the most sense.
- Rebug was released on 3/31/11.
- First guides of how to use the dev network to get back on COD games on 4/3/11.
- Word of NGU users finding a way to pirate PSN content via the dev networks on 4/7/11 (basing this on posts I had to delete on the website. Update: Users have pointed out to me that these posts existed on NGU as of 4/2/11).
- PSN goes down on 4/20/11
Now, you can believe Sony's PR team which has kept you completely in the dark, or you can see the list of events above and come to your own conclusion. Now, this isn't the first time Sony has fought back against the PS3 modders from getting on PSN. A couple of months ago we had a utility called f*ckPSN that changed the necessary header information that was being sent to Sony to allow modified consoles back online. We were able to use it for about a month. Then came the new TOS, the mass e-mail to PS3 customers, and software update 3.56 and 3.60. So, once again, yes this is all speculation, but it is speculation based on previous actions and known facts.
Edit #2: Mathieulh just mentioned that he has been in contact with someone that has official access to the SCE devnet servers and it was posted to them today that only 3.60+ debug firmwares will be allowed on the dev network anymore. All earlier versions will be cut. If you want to retain your access you need to contact Sony and upgrade to 3.60 debug firmware.
Edit #3: Ok, it looks like some various news sites have picked up this story and taken it out of context. Once again, this is all speculation and information gathered from various devs in the PS3 scene. It might very well not be the real reason PSN is down, but as the timeline fits, it's a reasonable explanation. Now, as to Rebug directly allowing this to happen, that's not the case at all. Different CFW's have had access to the dev network the whole time. This is not new news for people in the PS3 scene. It's what people have figured out what to do with the said network that has caused all the recent issues. Saying that Rebug is what did this is like saying a gun manufacturer is responsible for every death that happens with a gun.
Chapter 10 - The part where bad stuff happens (Exam timetables)
27th Apr - Oncology
28th Apr - Bacterial Pathogenicity + Infectious Diseases and Health
3rd May - Extreme Enviromental Biology + Modern Approaches to human Disease
5th May - Integrative Neuroscience
6 exams spread over 9 days.
90 Minutes each
Fuck. My. Life.
Wish me luck folks. Cant wait til they are over so I can get back to playing games and blogging and all the good shit in life.
28th Apr - Bacterial Pathogenicity + Infectious Diseases and Health
3rd May - Extreme Enviromental Biology + Modern Approaches to human Disease
5th May - Integrative Neuroscience
6 exams spread over 9 days.
90 Minutes each
Fuck. My. Life.
Wish me luck folks. Cant wait til they are over so I can get back to playing games and blogging and all the good shit in life.
Thursday, 21 April 2011
Summing up the entirety of Kaiji season 1 and probably 2
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
Getting mad at anime. (Baka and Test)
So. I usually find anime to watch by sifting through genres, or going by recomendations from other people so on and so on.
Somehow, i stumbled upon 'Baka and Test: Summon the beasts' , a show which has (i suppose) an interesting premise....
"Fumizuki Academy is a school that strictly stratifies students, and the comforts of their classrooms, by test scores. The lowest ranked class, Class F, lead by Yoshii Akihisa, the idiot amongst idiots (and the series titular Baka) rallies to use experimental fantasy summoned monsters to battle the higher ranked classes for school supremacy.
With the power of idiots and one of the smartest students in Fumizuki Academy, Himeji Mizuki, a girl who was sick on the day of the placement test and ended up in Class F together with Yoshii, one by one the other classes begin to fall before them."
The show is tagged as (amongst other shit) Seinen Comedy - or comedy for 18-25 year olds.
What the show actually is, is an attempt at comedy similar to.... I dont even know... I cant even think of anything else which attempts to do comedy at such a poor level.
The plot is shit, the action is shit, the comedy is non-existant , the romance is sort of there but fucking christ you couldnt make a more stereotypical highschool romance love polygon than this shit...
I can honestly say this is the worst anime ive ever seen (of which ive seen about 150).
I can also honestly say I havent been so mad at a piece of digital media since the whole Final Fantasy XI incident and actually, im probably more mad at this because i spent more time on it, the reviews and comments say it gets better as you go but jesus fucking christ im not waiting around to find out. 3.75 episodes was enough for me to realise this is a complete shitpiece.
tldr; avoid this shit at all costs.
Princess Ghibli - Ghibli Metal covers
I kind of downlaoded this just for a laugh after seeing the below trailer for it, it just sounded hilarious. And yet here i am, 3 days on, still listening to it, im not sure I still like it ironically or what.
I mean i used to listen to alot of metal back in the day (Slipknot, Mudvayne, SOAD, Disturbed, Korn, Sonata Arctica etc etc) so it wouldnt be completely out of character to genuinely enjoy the album. Nonetheless, its below if you guys fancy it
I think my favorite track is still track 5 - princess mononoke just because its so hilariously odd hearing the original japanese singing accompanied by about 15 guitars and 7 drumsets
I mean i used to listen to alot of metal back in the day (Slipknot, Mudvayne, SOAD, Disturbed, Korn, Sonata Arctica etc etc) so it wouldnt be completely out of character to genuinely enjoy the album. Nonetheless, its below if you guys fancy it
I think my favorite track is still track 5 - princess mononoke just because its so hilariously odd hearing the original japanese singing accompanied by about 15 guitars and 7 drumsets
nothing much to report...
Literally nothing happening in my life anymore
Revision is going bleh, past exam paper questions that i managed to find are bleh, gaming is bleh (decided to stop league of legends for a while, only playing the occasional Pop'n music and started final fantasy IV on psp)
ETA to first exam : 1 Week
Things i look forward to nowadays : Washing dishes, eating, anime, sleeping [ie. all the time spend which doesnt involve studying]
Revision is going bleh, past exam paper questions that i managed to find are bleh, gaming is bleh (decided to stop league of legends for a while, only playing the occasional Pop'n music and started final fantasy IV on psp)
ETA to first exam : 1 Week
Things i look forward to nowadays : Washing dishes, eating, anime, sleeping [ie. all the time spend which doesnt involve studying]
Sunday, 17 April 2011
Deadman Wonderland (Spring Anime 2011)
Wasn't really looking forward to this much, it sounded okay on paper but was just kind of 'okay sure whatever', didnt help that AniDB has it marked as 'Shounen' (boys).
A Brief overview of the plot given in Episode 1 is that the kid below is just chilling in his class, hanging with his fwens (maybe it was a friday, who knows) , when all of a sudden some guy in a red cloak floats outside his 3rd floor classroom and basically murders the entire class except from him. The murderer then does a wesker and implants this red gem thing into the kids chest (KONAMI CAPCOM WILL SUE).
The kid is basically the prime suspect for the murders, some evidence is planted against him, and he is sent to death row in Deadman Wonderland - Basically a prison/themepark , depending on which side of the gate you are, the prisoners have to survive and win games to get candy (which they die without). And thats about it for ep1, oh yeah he gets some sort of power from the gem, of course.
Overall, seems like an interesting anime, pretty dark and gritty at times which i quite like, good soundtrack from the sounds of it and it'll be interesting to see how it progresses.
(Also, yet another fucking Sunday show)

You can grab the episode (DDL or torrent) here
[Oh. and apolagies for the bemani joke earlier which im sure 99% of my readers wont understand]
A Brief overview of the plot given in Episode 1 is that the kid below is just chilling in his class, hanging with his fwens (maybe it was a friday, who knows) , when all of a sudden some guy in a red cloak floats outside his 3rd floor classroom and basically murders the entire class except from him. The murderer then does a wesker and implants this red gem thing into the kids chest (KONAMI CAPCOM WILL SUE).
The kid is basically the prime suspect for the murders, some evidence is planted against him, and he is sent to death row in Deadman Wonderland - Basically a prison/themepark , depending on which side of the gate you are, the prisoners have to survive and win games to get candy (which they die without). And thats about it for ep1, oh yeah he gets some sort of power from the gem, of course.
Overall, seems like an interesting anime, pretty dark and gritty at times which i quite like, good soundtrack from the sounds of it and it'll be interesting to see how it progresses.
(Also, yet another fucking Sunday show)
You can grab the episode (DDL or torrent) here
[Oh. and apolagies for the bemani joke earlier which im sure 99% of my readers wont understand]
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Why Friday is fun fun fun fun
1. Ponies.

2. It means im allowed to listen to my most favorite song ever.
3. As you can see, the shows im following this season arent exactly evenly weighted across the week. Particularly when the best 2 shows (Nichijou and hanasaku iroha) are both on the Sunday.

4. Everyone generally seems happier on friday/weekend, or maybe thats just my imagination.
5. Ponies.
2. It means im allowed to listen to my most favorite song ever.
3. As you can see, the shows im following this season arent exactly evenly weighted across the week. Particularly when the best 2 shows (Nichijou and hanasaku iroha) are both on the Sunday.
4. Everyone generally seems happier on friday/weekend, or maybe thats just my imagination.
5. Ponies.
How I wish I could start every day of my life
Wake up in the mornin feelin like....
Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Finally finished this 64 episode beast the other day (after starting it somewhere around new years), the first half of the series doesnt really give you much incentive to keep watching and as a result I almost actually dropped it 1/3 through, but I stuck with it because it has like.. the highest rating on AniDB at the moment (9.4 with 2k+ votes)
Turns out they were right, the story picks up somewhat half way through, and then the last quarter of the series was essentially a clusterfuck of action scenes loosely strung together by a plot with more twists than your average DNA molecule.
The series reminded me alot of an old Arnold Schwarzenigger film, first 3/4 of the film is buildup, setting the story, introducing the characters, and lots of little action scenes, and then the final quarter is all out action - Difference here being the average action film is 90 minutes, equating to about 15-20 minutes of finale action, the action quarter in FMA:B Lasts around 13 episodes
This is pretty reflected in the average episode votes...

Anywho, what im basically trying to say is, The series was really fucking good. Its a memorable story with a huge cast of likable and distinct characters, the art was fancy and the ending was satisfying (unlike the end of the 'original' Full Metal Alchemist series). If you saw the old series, this is a fun trip back to revisit old characters, If you didnt see the old series, this will probably be a nice treat into an interesting universe of alchemy.
Turns out they were right, the story picks up somewhat half way through, and then the last quarter of the series was essentially a clusterfuck of action scenes loosely strung together by a plot with more twists than your average DNA molecule.
The series reminded me alot of an old Arnold Schwarzenigger film, first 3/4 of the film is buildup, setting the story, introducing the characters, and lots of little action scenes, and then the final quarter is all out action - Difference here being the average action film is 90 minutes, equating to about 15-20 minutes of finale action, the action quarter in FMA:B Lasts around 13 episodes
This is pretty reflected in the average episode votes...
Anywho, what im basically trying to say is, The series was really fucking good. Its a memorable story with a huge cast of likable and distinct characters, the art was fancy and the ending was satisfying (unlike the end of the 'original' Full Metal Alchemist series). If you saw the old series, this is a fun trip back to revisit old characters, If you didnt see the old series, this will probably be a nice treat into an interesting universe of alchemy.
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
Damn Lemon Whores
Yep. This is most definitely the most bizarre porn intro ive ever seen.
Monday, 11 April 2011
Akinator (aka. The time waster)
So i only just discovered Akinator through ponychan, this thing is fucking amazing.
Basically, you think of a character, answer some questions, and it guesses who you was thinking of.
I thought it was pretty good when it guessed Albert Wesker (Resi) and Harima Kenji (School rumble), but then it guessed that I was thinking of Angel the Bunny (MLP) which was like.... wat.
(it also guessed Ed Elric, Dr Robotnik, Bruce willis, but those are kind of more common i guess)

Give it a try, ask it to predict some semi-common characters, then try to fuck with it by picking someone obscure
edit: Okay jeeeeeeeezus... This guy knows fucking everything, Successfully guessed...
Hirasawa Ui (K-ON) , Riza Hawkeye(fullmetal alchemist), Tsukamoto Yakumo (school rumble), Kamiyama (Cromartie) , maggey byrde (phoenix wright) ,General Ouromov (007 Goldeneye)
I thought i'd try Ryze (from League of legends) and it hits me with..
Basically, you think of a character, answer some questions, and it guesses who you was thinking of.
I thought it was pretty good when it guessed Albert Wesker (Resi) and Harima Kenji (School rumble), but then it guessed that I was thinking of Angel the Bunny (MLP) which was like.... wat.
(it also guessed Ed Elric, Dr Robotnik, Bruce willis, but those are kind of more common i guess)
Give it a try, ask it to predict some semi-common characters, then try to fuck with it by picking someone obscure
edit: Okay jeeeeeeeezus... This guy knows fucking everything, Successfully guessed...
Hirasawa Ui (K-ON) , Riza Hawkeye(fullmetal alchemist), Tsukamoto Yakumo (school rumble), Kamiyama (Cromartie) , maggey byrde (phoenix wright) ,General Ouromov (007 Goldeneye)
I thought i'd try Ryze (from League of legends) and it hits me with..
minecraft project - First floor done!
Now to put the first floor ceiling in, lighting, and then start working on the second floor - which probably wont take as long because there is less space to work with (balconies and shit)
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Nichijou TV (Spring Anime 2011)
So episode 2 of Nichijou came out today, and its fucking fantastic.
I havent laughed so hard at an anime in a while, its bizarre humour is pretty refreshing amongst all the standard moeblob school comedy bullshit that is every other show nowadays.
If you liked Azumanga Daioh, you should check it out
I also made this, because im really fucking cool.
I havent laughed so hard at an anime in a while, its bizarre humour is pretty refreshing amongst all the standard moeblob school comedy bullshit that is every other show nowadays.
If you liked Azumanga Daioh, you should check it out
I also made this, because im really fucking cool.
Saturday, 9 April 2011
Minecraft project update 2
Have to say, wasnt expecting to have to do essentially 3 layers of floor - that being background, lightstone and then visible floor and glass. (along with having to need to do 3 layers of ceiling per floor later)
Can see some testing of light sources on the left corridor, it looks pretty good (ill screenshot it when ive done the whole corridor), but it looks kind of like office lights.
Everything seems to be coming together pretty well, I had to brainstorm for a few minutes to come up with a floorplan/blueprint sort of thing though because i was pretty lost.
also. Looks like im going to have to remove the glass ceiling that i made because its too low, just as well i didnt fill in the whole thing.
Friday, 8 April 2011
huge minecraft project
never made anything on this sort of scale before, so it will be interesting to see how it turns out. Will keep you guys posted on how its coming along
I was really inspired by this huge underwater thing someguy made (video embedded below) , and thought 'I want one of those in my world' , then went and drew up a quick sketch thing of a building to give me an idea of what i want to make. No doubt though this is going to take ages to make, and its probably going to be a bitch just to properly design the interior, I like symmetry a little bit too much and I can already tell thats going to hinder me greatly.
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Shit like this exists?
I so fucking jelly.
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Conclusive proof that the average gameFAQs user is about 10 years old
Any other series would have been fine, even if pokemon was highest, it wouldnt prove that gameFAQs users are mostly children, because pokemon was actually a good game.
(I totally voted Donkey Kong Country, but Advance Wars or Punch Out would be fucking sweet too. Not much of a Fire emblem or Metroid fan... )
Monday, 4 April 2011
Streets of Rage Remake project is now out

Found it on blackcats and I have to say, it does what it says it does
Its... Streets of fucking rage. Remixed, Remade, Re-coded , Re... you get the picture.
If you enjoyed Streets of Rage, its definitely worth a look, theres 2 player support (obviously) and even an AI teammate mode for you lonely hearts.
There is, sadly, No online support, but its completely reasonable given that this is a fan based thing, and proper netcode and etc would probably take fucking forever to make.
I imagine i'll play through it at some point with my brother when I go back home
Update: Okay so I played a little more, enough to get to the beach in SOR1, the game is really really well made, like you can tell alot of love has gone into this. I also forgot how much i love streets of rage, the music in particular was making me nostalgia the fuck out, the background beats, the jingle when you finish the level.... Even the soundeffects are really well done, from the crunchy punches to the unforgetable FWOOM that the pipe makes.
Found it on blackcats and I have to say, it does what it says it does
Its... Streets of fucking rage. Remixed, Remade, Re-coded , Re... you get the picture.
If you enjoyed Streets of Rage, its definitely worth a look, theres 2 player support (obviously) and even an AI teammate mode for you lonely hearts.
There is, sadly, No online support, but its completely reasonable given that this is a fan based thing, and proper netcode and etc would probably take fucking forever to make.
I imagine i'll play through it at some point with my brother when I go back home
Update: Okay so I played a little more, enough to get to the beach in SOR1, the game is really really well made, like you can tell alot of love has gone into this. I also forgot how much i love streets of rage, the music in particular was making me nostalgia the fuck out, the background beats, the jingle when you finish the level.... Even the soundeffects are really well done, from the crunchy punches to the unforgetable FWOOM that the pipe makes.
So the human body can be pretty stupid sometimes.
The body needs iron to function properly, it stores it in a molecule called 'Ferritin', now here is where stupid comes in...
- If capacity of storage of iron in ferritin is exceeded, a complex of iron with phosphate and hydroxide forms called Hemosiderin
- If burden of iron increases beyond normal levels, hemosiderin can be deposited in the liver and heart, this can reach a point where function in these organs becomes impaired and death ensues."
Why would you....
This is like a guy living in a closed box that likes money so much he decides to throw away all his food to fill his fridge with money and then proceed to block all air holes in the room with money.
I dont even.
Why do mechanisms like this exist? :|
- If capacity of storage of iron in ferritin is exceeded, a complex of iron with phosphate and hydroxide forms called Hemosiderin
- If burden of iron increases beyond normal levels, hemosiderin can be deposited in the liver and heart, this can reach a point where function in these organs becomes impaired and death ensues."
Why would you....
This is like a guy living in a closed box that likes money so much he decides to throw away all his food to fill his fridge with money and then proceed to block all air holes in the room with money.
I dont even.
Why do mechanisms like this exist? :|
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Toriko Preview
"In a world where the taste and texture of food is extremely important there exist individuals known as Bishoku-ya (luxury food providers) who specialize in the acquisition of rare ingredients and animals. Toriko is one of these hunters and it is his dream to find the most precious foods in the world and create the ultimate dinner course. As one of the most skilled hunters in the world he is regularly hired by restaurants and the rich to seek out new ingredients and rare animals. A man with inhuman ability, he utilizes his incredible strength and knowledge of the animal kingdom to capture ferocious, evasive and rare beasts to further his final goal, the ultimate dinner course composed of the most delicious food in the world. He is currently accompanied by a weak and timid chef who, inspired by Toriko's ambition, travels with him to improve his culinary skills and find rare ingredients. "
The description sounds alright, but then you look at the picture and its like FUUUUUUUUUUUUU~
Fucking goku battle chef wrestling dinosaurs and shit, Definitely going to check it out when it gets subtitled
The description sounds alright, but then you look at the picture and its like FUUUUUUUUUUUUU~
Fucking goku battle chef wrestling dinosaurs and shit, Definitely going to check it out when it gets subtitled
Friday, 1 April 2011
'World Order'
So i only discovered this group (?) the other day when I saw it in my youtube newsfeed
So, crazy japanese electro-house group with some elaborate choreography, no big deal right?
And then i did a little research on the group, and it turns out the Lead singer(?) , producer and so on is an ex K-1 Fighter, built like a fucking beast with full tattoos and shit.
Then doing a little more research found this video...
This guy is a fucking boss.
So, crazy japanese electro-house group with some elaborate choreography, no big deal right?
And then i did a little research on the group, and it turns out the Lead singer(?) , producer and so on is an ex K-1 Fighter, built like a fucking beast with full tattoos and shit.
Then doing a little more research found this video...
This guy is a fucking boss.
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