Bit shit really , the quest is that you have to help these people get into an armoury by completing a computer simulation of the war of Anchorage.
So basically its like the tranquility lane bit , but this time the simulation puts you in a snowy desolate area place in the middle of a war. You get all of your weapons and items stripped for the simulation , you get a silened pistol and a sniper rifle. Its pretty much medal of honour or some shit , you have no stimpacks either , instead there are health canisters around the place that heal you.
There is NO free roaming , you go through a very set path through a cave and then along some trenches and small building and shit. There is NO level cap increase , so probably no exp for you.
uhm.... new weapons? Gauss rifle , which is a 1 shot no-kill weapon which needs to be reloaded every time. You get some power armour afterwards as well , in a shade of white this time. zzzzzz.
The final boss is easily killed by a speech thingy , which was somewhat of an anticlimax.
Thats about all i have to say i guess , feels like some sort of generic WW2 shooter with VATS included.
Completed in an hour according to Xfire, probably hour and a half or something.
If you're on PC i guess its worth getting , just because it'l be free , if you're on a 360 avoid this shit like the plague - worst 800 points you'll ever spend probably.
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Monday, 26 January 2009
Timewasting in lectures.
So recently my artistic side has been itching to come out , probably due to reading lots of
Anywho , nowadays when i have a boringass lecture i usually draw (or try to draw.)
Here are some drawings i did today , going from worst to best. (imo)

^ was supposed to sort of be like this bitch from 'Soul eater'

Anywho , nowadays when i have a boringass lecture i usually draw (or try to draw.)
Here are some drawings i did today , going from worst to best. (imo)
^ was supposed to sort of be like this bitch from 'Soul eater'
Sunday, 25 January 2009
The great escape
So today was pretty fun ,bit of universe at war in the morning, stirfry lunch with prawns , went out swimming...
Ended up (after doing a good few lengths) playing tag , then stuck in the mud (tag , but if you're tagged you have to stay still and someone has to swim between your legs to be freed - also apparently called 'My dear brother saved me' in lithuania according to our resident lithuanian expert Aggie) for about an hour or so.
After being nakkered out , went back to my room to finish this weeks lab report [[[ This experiment looks into the double reaction of Phosphoenol pyruvate to pyruvate and then the reaction of Pyruvate to Lactate (with the transferral of hydrogen from NADH to Lactate).]]] and then some general goofing around.
Eventually there was poker in the common room , shortly followed by hide and seek around cryfield (no peoples rooms no outside)... this was shortly followed by...
Probably the most insane game to be played in cryfield , ever.
The jist of the game is Tag with a jail area , you get tagged , you go to jail.
The jail is the common room , you sit on a chair , etc.
If you are 'free' you may tag people in the jail area and they are free as well.
There are 2 'hunters' , one usually guards base to prevent people from being set free.
Free people may also hide from the hunters and such.
What makes this game insane in cryfield is that
1. the halls are about 2 ft wide
2. Lots and lots of staircases make for ambushes and crazy escapes
3. 4 floors
4. the common room makes for the most amazing Jail area ever.

Red areas at the top are curtains , ideal for hiding and then tagging people in the jail when the 'guard' isnt looking.
The square in the middle is a random brick wall. not sure why thats there.
The doors around the common room all have small windows , allowing you to look in before running into a guard.
Because there is usually a guard hanging around watching over everyone in jail , tictacs are usually employed , waiting at the bottom peering through the door occasionally is a good idea , as you can always leg it up the stairs if you are seen , alternatively...
Rush all openings with people , downside is that this requires alot of people to pull off...
Alternatively, one person is sacrifice , runs from bottom door straight out right door to lure the hunters after him , savior then comes in and saves everyone. etc etc.
The wall in the middle also makes for funny sneak tactics , at one point when i was last one , was chased from the 2nd floor by duncan , down a corridor , mirror's edge'd through a door , down 2 flights of stairs , speedy opening of door , ran down that corridor , came out from the right entrance to jail , practically dived into the jail whilst tagging everyone i could see.
It was fucking amazing. Although i did slip once and end up grinding the carpet and then rugby shoulder tackling a doorframe , which wasnt particuarly fun. Mum (Elaine) patched me up afterwards though.

Funny , looks smaller in the picture. It has some puss coming out of it now , didnt think grinding carpet could do so much damage - testament of how cheap the carpet in the halls are clearly.
Edit: I only JUST found out that i was apparently bleeding from my other elbow , AND my shoulder (from rugby tackle into the doorframe) , i must have been trying to escape pretty fucking fast.
Ended up (after doing a good few lengths) playing tag , then stuck in the mud (tag , but if you're tagged you have to stay still and someone has to swim between your legs to be freed - also apparently called 'My dear brother saved me' in lithuania according to our resident lithuanian expert Aggie) for about an hour or so.
After being nakkered out , went back to my room to finish this weeks lab report [[[ This experiment looks into the double reaction of Phosphoenol pyruvate to pyruvate and then the reaction of Pyruvate to Lactate (with the transferral of hydrogen from NADH to Lactate).]]] and then some general goofing around.
Eventually there was poker in the common room , shortly followed by hide and seek around cryfield (no peoples rooms no outside)... this was shortly followed by...
Probably the most insane game to be played in cryfield , ever.
The jist of the game is Tag with a jail area , you get tagged , you go to jail.
The jail is the common room , you sit on a chair , etc.
If you are 'free' you may tag people in the jail area and they are free as well.
There are 2 'hunters' , one usually guards base to prevent people from being set free.
Free people may also hide from the hunters and such.
What makes this game insane in cryfield is that
1. the halls are about 2 ft wide
2. Lots and lots of staircases make for ambushes and crazy escapes
3. 4 floors
4. the common room makes for the most amazing Jail area ever.
Red areas at the top are curtains , ideal for hiding and then tagging people in the jail when the 'guard' isnt looking.
The square in the middle is a random brick wall. not sure why thats there.
The doors around the common room all have small windows , allowing you to look in before running into a guard.
Because there is usually a guard hanging around watching over everyone in jail , tictacs are usually employed , waiting at the bottom peering through the door occasionally is a good idea , as you can always leg it up the stairs if you are seen , alternatively...
Rush all openings with people , downside is that this requires alot of people to pull off...
Alternatively, one person is sacrifice , runs from bottom door straight out right door to lure the hunters after him , savior then comes in and saves everyone. etc etc.
The wall in the middle also makes for funny sneak tactics , at one point when i was last one , was chased from the 2nd floor by duncan , down a corridor , mirror's edge'd through a door , down 2 flights of stairs , speedy opening of door , ran down that corridor , came out from the right entrance to jail , practically dived into the jail whilst tagging everyone i could see.
It was fucking amazing. Although i did slip once and end up grinding the carpet and then rugby shoulder tackling a doorframe , which wasnt particuarly fun. Mum (Elaine) patched me up afterwards though.
Funny , looks smaller in the picture. It has some puss coming out of it now , didnt think grinding carpet could do so much damage - testament of how cheap the carpet in the halls are clearly.
Edit: I only JUST found out that i was apparently bleeding from my other elbow , AND my shoulder (from rugby tackle into the doorframe) , i must have been trying to escape pretty fucking fast.
Bedside drawer always houses all of my sweets , lets see whats in there shall we

Is it wrong to organize your M&M's into primary colours and non primary colours?
At least im not duncan , we went swimming today and he HAD to find a locker number that was a prime number (in the 400's range too)
ps. 2 M&M bags for £2.50 , i took pretty much all of the peanut M&M's that were left , i had to dig right down to the bottom for them.
Is it wrong to organize your M&M's into primary colours and non primary colours?
At least im not duncan , we went swimming today and he HAD to find a locker number that was a prime number (in the 400's range too)
ps. 2 M&M bags for £2.50 , i took pretty much all of the peanut M&M's that were left , i had to dig right down to the bottom for them.
Thursday, 22 January 2009
So tom left his keys in my room today. Not to be one to turn down a good photoshop opportunity...
Locked his door and....

Then hid his keys...

He's walked past it once already XD
Also , ians work in progress on duncans door...

update: finished...
Locked his door and....
Then hid his keys...
He's walked past it once already XD
Also , ians work in progress on duncans door...
update: finished...
Boringass lecturer is BORING MY ASS OFF.
Fucking damn that was a boring lecture.
At least i stayed awake through it all though - at the expense of some pen ink.
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Bit of a late post and im sure some of you will have already discovered and tried this game out , but just in case...
Kinda like mario or something , but with a twist.
Play through until at least the 5th level before dismissing it as awful.
Kinda like mario or something , but with a twist.
Play through until at least the 5th level before dismissing it as awful.
Monday, 19 January 2009
Steak dinner!
Oh yeah.
The pictures make my plate look so small mind you. This steak is about the length of my face.
Approx cost of meal , £4 + 50p + 50p + 10p = £5.10
Not bad for a giant steak dinner with chips and corncob.
Dragonforce Warriors 6
So im pretty much 300% convinced that the dynasty warriors soundtrack was made by dragonforce.
Heres a sample -
Sunday, 18 January 2009
Amazing article.
This article is amazing - read the variations , here are some highlights.
"Sardines" A group knocks on the door and either lays down on the driveway or front lawn/step. The last person to leave wins the game.
"Gnoming or Clay-gnoming" which is the knocking at a door or pressing of the doorbell of a house and waiting on the doorstep for the house-owner. When the door is opened the "Gnomer" stands very still. If the house-owner speaks to the Gnomer, they are to fall over. Only once the house-owner has gone back inside their house may the Gnomer leave
"Dance Dance Doormat" When they answer the door you start dancing until they get mad at you.
This article is amazing - read the variations , here are some highlights.
"Sardines" A group knocks on the door and either lays down on the driveway or front lawn/step. The last person to leave wins the game.
"Gnoming or Clay-gnoming" which is the knocking at a door or pressing of the doorbell of a house and waiting on the doorstep for the house-owner. When the door is opened the "Gnomer" stands very still. If the house-owner speaks to the Gnomer, they are to fall over. Only once the house-owner has gone back inside their house may the Gnomer leave
"Dance Dance Doormat" When they answer the door you start dancing until they get mad at you.
Friday, 16 January 2009
Some gaming screenshots
For some reason my xfire wont take screenshots anymore. which is rather lame.
First up , GTA4

Next , Fallout 3
Diego does the time warp (again)

Aaaand... Gary.

And now a few sexy mirror's edge screenshots

Its pretty damn amazing when ingame screenshots look like they're promo pictures for how advanced the graphics will look and such.

^heres one of me chasing that guy from Just Cause

^Looks like 'This was a piece of concept art we had for this level...'

Kinda furious that mirrors edge can run so well and look stunning , when GTA4 just chugs along like some sort of Retard on a unicycle
oh. one more ,

First up , GTA4
Next , Fallout 3
Diego does the time warp (again)
Aaaand... Gary.
And now a few sexy mirror's edge screenshots
Its pretty damn amazing when ingame screenshots look like they're promo pictures for how advanced the graphics will look and such.
^heres one of me chasing that guy from Just Cause
^Looks like 'This was a piece of concept art we had for this level...'
Kinda furious that mirrors edge can run so well and look stunning , when GTA4 just chugs along like some sort of Retard on a unicycle
oh. one more ,
Thursday, 15 January 2009
So we played a game in the common room today , one person goes out of the room whilst the others come up with a related condition.
For example , Everyone has a mental condition which makes them think they're the person sitting opposite them. Or they think they're an animal , or one of the seven dwarfs... etc
The psychiatrist (person who went out of the room) then has to ask questions and try to suss out what everyones problems are.
Pretty fun game tbh :D
I also took part in my first Mario Kart grand prix today , Me against the former champion and the current champion , placed 2nd overall , beating the former champion. 370 points.
For those who don;t know , the grand prix is 32 races (all tracks)
tbfh , i would have probably won if beardface hadnt gotten all uber geek and time trialed all of the tracks and learnt the best and most efficient racing lines , then he's all bragging when he wins after sitting in the common room analysing all of the tracks. silly beardface.
Other things which happened today , went to do my lab , which went on from 11 til 4. Was probably the most boring lab ive ever had to endure , ever. Soooo many test tubes , then pipette this pipette that , then heat them for 10 mins starting them at different times by pipetting enzyme into them , then stopping them at different times pipetting alkali into them , then measuring the absorbance of all of them by transferring to a cuvette...
All of that , for 11 tubes each... FIVE TIMES!
THE PAIN! my eyelid started twitching just out of boredom by the end of it. Probably not helped by the fact i slept at 1:30am last night after playing fallout , and then having to wake for 8:30 for my 9am lecture @_@
I have a test tomorrow on Enzyme kinetics and Gibbs Free energy , which sounds more like bio-physics than anything else. Ugh. Totally not ready and gonna get some shit score. guess ill have to rely on my screenwatching (copying) skills again.
For example , Everyone has a mental condition which makes them think they're the person sitting opposite them. Or they think they're an animal , or one of the seven dwarfs... etc
The psychiatrist (person who went out of the room) then has to ask questions and try to suss out what everyones problems are.
Pretty fun game tbh :D
I also took part in my first Mario Kart grand prix today , Me against the former champion and the current champion , placed 2nd overall , beating the former champion. 370 points.
For those who don;t know , the grand prix is 32 races (all tracks)
tbfh , i would have probably won if beardface hadnt gotten all uber geek and time trialed all of the tracks and learnt the best and most efficient racing lines , then he's all bragging when he wins after sitting in the common room analysing all of the tracks. silly beardface.
Other things which happened today , went to do my lab , which went on from 11 til 4. Was probably the most boring lab ive ever had to endure , ever. Soooo many test tubes , then pipette this pipette that , then heat them for 10 mins starting them at different times by pipetting enzyme into them , then stopping them at different times pipetting alkali into them , then measuring the absorbance of all of them by transferring to a cuvette...
All of that , for 11 tubes each... FIVE TIMES!
THE PAIN! my eyelid started twitching just out of boredom by the end of it. Probably not helped by the fact i slept at 1:30am last night after playing fallout , and then having to wake for 8:30 for my 9am lecture @_@
I have a test tomorrow on Enzyme kinetics and Gibbs Free energy , which sounds more like bio-physics than anything else. Ugh. Totally not ready and gonna get some shit score. guess ill have to rely on my screenwatching (copying) skills again.
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Welcome to Silent Warwick
So the fog rolled in today , and apparently - when fog rolls into warwick, it looks really creepy.
^Lighting effects on this one make it look super creepy.
Moby is my Parasite biology lecturer?!
I realise its a bad picture but i took it just before lecture had started and couldnt take another one.
extra storytiem -
DO NOT test if your BB gun is painful by thinking 'meh. fuck it , its a plastic toy , it surely cant hurt' and then proceed to load it and aim and fire at your foot. Oh my. Stings like a mo-fucka
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
Gaypron is funny too.
Everything under that search tag is pure gold.
Example :
Totally unrelated video - Guy cooking wild mushrooms~ With a twist :
Everything under that search tag is pure gold.
Example :
Totally unrelated video - Guy cooking wild mushrooms~ With a twist :
Adams GHWT disk got radial'd when someone kicked his 360 over. To remedy this , he put toothpaste over all of it - in obscene amounts. Then upon putting the disk back in the xbox was annoyed/surprised that it wouldnt read it as a game.
This is one of the people im living with next year also :|
Speaking of toothpaste...
This is one of the people im living with next year also :|
Speaking of toothpaste...
Monday, 12 January 2009
So warwick has an internal filesharing system which the resnet admins don't know about (or cant stop) , basically , you connect to other people through the university network and can download any of their share files at 10mb per second . Thats megabytes btw , not megabits.
Movies and TV seem to be pretty prominent on the network , along with a few games and stuff. Peoples shares range from 5gb to 800gb. Pretty cool stuff.
You can download huge files so fast , it doesent even register what you've just done. An 8gb movie takes about 10 minutes to download , shit is ridiculous
Movies and TV seem to be pretty prominent on the network , along with a few games and stuff. Peoples shares range from 5gb to 800gb. Pretty cool stuff.
You can download huge files so fast , it doesent even register what you've just done. An 8gb movie takes about 10 minutes to download , shit is ridiculous
Sunday, 11 January 2009
helens room is nice and tidy!
^ This is a picture of Helen room (across the hall) , ive never seen it this clean. I am not taking the piss.
Friday, 9 January 2009
Intresting advertisment by the RAF
basically , you give them a name , a gender and then upload a picture , and then......
Thursday, 8 January 2009
Longest day yet.
9am start , 2 morning lectures until 11am - physiology and metabolism then Animal and plant biology , then a lab session straight after which went on until 4pm! By the time i got back it was around 4:30. The last time i properly ate was about 8:30 , so my stomach was pretty much ragin.
Cooked up a beasty spagbol , then went back to my room where viva pinata had arrived. Installed it , played for a bit , Had a nap for 2 hours. Hungry again , went to have a salad , mario kart , more viva pinata , and then stealing elaines keys and changing her laptop homepage to , her username to 'bitchface lolololol' and her keyboard layout to dvorak.
ps. lectures missed so far this term : 1
Essays missed so far this term : 1
Days been at uni : 6
'Gatecrasher' tomorrow , should be a fun night - i hope - assuming they play some good music.
pps. Preparing for the mario kart tournament thing which should be happening next week , 4 guys played the 32 course marathon thing and tom was the winner of that , as such - 3 more challengers will play him next week for the crown. (i aim to win obviously.)
Cooked up a beasty spagbol , then went back to my room where viva pinata had arrived. Installed it , played for a bit , Had a nap for 2 hours. Hungry again , went to have a salad , mario kart , more viva pinata , and then stealing elaines keys and changing her laptop homepage to , her username to 'bitchface lolololol' and her keyboard layout to dvorak.
ps. lectures missed so far this term : 1
Essays missed so far this term : 1
Days been at uni : 6
'Gatecrasher' tomorrow , should be a fun night - i hope - assuming they play some good music.
pps. Preparing for the mario kart tournament thing which should be happening next week , 4 guys played the 32 course marathon thing and tom was the winner of that , as such - 3 more challengers will play him next week for the crown. (i aim to win obviously.)
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
So i saw YOU DUN MESS WIT DAT ZOHAN last night , expecting it to be kinda meh , okayish sort of comedy film since Adam sandlers stuff has been kind of crappy recently ('Click' comes to mind.)
I was pleasantly surprised by an amazing nega-serious film sporting crazy over the top action scenes and randomness. Im not sure if it was because i was expecting the film to be so bad , that it seemed really good , or whether it was just genuinely good. Regardless , a scene with zohan doing no handed pressups is pretty awesome.
I dont want to give away any of the random surprises , see it if you can , but dont be too serious about it - maybe a film to download and watch over vent together or something?
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Why is it so damn cold?
granted im not in scotland or anywhere , which i hear is reaching -10 deg C.
but FUCK. its SO COLD.

Picture of a bar stool sitting on top of a frozen water feature thing.
there was also a GIANT frozen over lake that i really wanted to walk on , but gemma told me not to because i'd die.
but FUCK. its SO COLD.
Picture of a bar stool sitting on top of a frozen water feature thing.
there was also a GIANT frozen over lake that i really wanted to walk on , but gemma told me not to because i'd die.
Sunday, 4 January 2009
Lectures start in the morning :
Lectures start at 11 tomorrow , i think i can manage that...and then its sorta downhill from there.
Especially in weeks 16-20.
As such, dont expect me to be staying up much later than 1for gaming and that. Sorry guys :'<
Mengs Bizarre sunday Dinner
Maybe i'll start documenting what i cook for dinner as well :3

Salad base with fried rice noodles cooked with soy sauce , with succulent chicken breast cutlets in super special sauce (oyster sauce , soy sauce , lemon juice , water)
Salad base with fried rice noodles cooked with soy sauce , with succulent chicken breast cutlets in super special sauce (oyster sauce , soy sauce , lemon juice , water)
Saturday, 3 January 2009
Term 2 at Uni begins
After a very short feeling holiday back home , im back at Uni. No 360 , no effortless dinners , no washing done for me , no bottomless supply of food in the fridge.
Only a small room , a fistful of cash and a fuckton of lectures and essays to do.
Term 2 has begun , i just finished unpacking and having my first student meal of the term , a humongous steak with some vegetables and a glass of Grape juice. Mum has told me to not drink 30 bottles of cream soda this term as its bad for me , so ive been given 15 litres of water ,and some juice. The fridge and freezer are pretty much packed full after a free shopping trip , to which i somehow managed to spend £95.
2 essays still to do , 3 ive done , most of them due in the coming week - so i should probably get cracking sooner or later.
Ordered viva pinata for PC , since after playing it on 360 im pretty much addicted.
also. previously on MBA.
New years was spent at embankment in london , we actually got pretty good view this year , mainly because we ended up leaving earlier than we should have. Pretty much opposite the london eye with a clear view due to a small half-grown tree in front of us. It wasnt that packed too somehow. Fireworks this year were amazing , seeing it on the web/tv really can't do it justice at all. I decided not to make a new years resolution as i generally dont end up keeping it.
New years day night was spent playing Rock band 2 , Soul calibur 4 and Halo 3 , played a bit of Gears of War 2 , Smackdown vs Raw 2008 as well. Day after that was spent playing Halo 3 and Castle crashers mainly. Then it was time to start packing my stuff for uni.
Woke up at 7:45 this morning to meet frances for the last time in a while , came back and then left for warwick at 11 , harvester for lunch - plantation platter , which was ribs , chicken wings and chicken breast with chips , corn , mango chutney and a grilled pineapple. Got to warwick and had to pick up my keys , and then a giant lug of the PC and clothes up to cryfield.
Crowds atm are split between a group in the common room watching a film called 'Idle hands' and a group in the kitchen doing fuck knows what.
Not really in the mood for a movie atm so i guess ill be anti social or something.
Only a small room , a fistful of cash and a fuckton of lectures and essays to do.
Term 2 has begun , i just finished unpacking and having my first student meal of the term , a humongous steak with some vegetables and a glass of Grape juice. Mum has told me to not drink 30 bottles of cream soda this term as its bad for me , so ive been given 15 litres of water ,and some juice. The fridge and freezer are pretty much packed full after a free shopping trip , to which i somehow managed to spend £95.
2 essays still to do , 3 ive done , most of them due in the coming week - so i should probably get cracking sooner or later.
Ordered viva pinata for PC , since after playing it on 360 im pretty much addicted.
also. previously on MBA.
New years was spent at embankment in london , we actually got pretty good view this year , mainly because we ended up leaving earlier than we should have. Pretty much opposite the london eye with a clear view due to a small half-grown tree in front of us. It wasnt that packed too somehow. Fireworks this year were amazing , seeing it on the web/tv really can't do it justice at all. I decided not to make a new years resolution as i generally dont end up keeping it.
New years day night was spent playing Rock band 2 , Soul calibur 4 and Halo 3 , played a bit of Gears of War 2 , Smackdown vs Raw 2008 as well. Day after that was spent playing Halo 3 and Castle crashers mainly. Then it was time to start packing my stuff for uni.
Woke up at 7:45 this morning to meet frances for the last time in a while , came back and then left for warwick at 11 , harvester for lunch - plantation platter , which was ribs , chicken wings and chicken breast with chips , corn , mango chutney and a grilled pineapple. Got to warwick and had to pick up my keys , and then a giant lug of the PC and clothes up to cryfield.
Crowds atm are split between a group in the common room watching a film called 'Idle hands' and a group in the kitchen doing fuck knows what.
Not really in the mood for a movie atm so i guess ill be anti social or something.
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