Sunday 7 November 2010

The Polar opposite of 'Productive'

So i went home on saturday, thought i'd pick up lots of the stuff I left at home (glasses, game controllers, etc) and then get some work done, i actually packed a really really optimistic amount of work to be completed. Instead, we ended up going out for dim sum in the morning and then the family watched TV pretty much all day, X factor, strictly come dancing, etc etc. All that shitty TV. And i really didnt feel like doing any work at all , so instead I started up a new game of Minecraft (totally worth the £9 btw) and made a new base - - , its kinda coo', really need to find some diamond though so i can make a portal to hell (or whatever it is you do exactly) . I still feel like I have alot to learn about that game though.

The next day then, Because saturday was so unproductive, I thought i'd wake up nice and early and do some work.... Instead, I watched extreme house makeovers. So then I thought i'd go back to the uni-house, because i'd be able to work better there.... 2.5 hours or so later, I log in to vent and cross is installing Dynasty Warriors Online, Guess i should check this out....
That was about 6 hours ago. The game is very very awesome, my workload is very very un-awesome. FML.

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